Environment-friendly Business

CDM (Clean Development Mechanism)

We will continue to create new environmental values through the development of eco-friendly technologies and business operations to preserve the global environment.

TKG HUCHEMS is running a CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) project that sells greenhouse gas emissions generated during the nitric acid production process. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is an environmental-friendly project that allows developing countries with an emission-reduction commitment to sell these emission reductions by obtaining financing from developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol.

TKG HUCHEMS installed facilities to reduce nitrous oxide (N2O) in its 3 nitric acid plants with a capacity of 1.2 million tons to reduce greenhouse gas emissions per year, which is the largest CDM project in Korea.

The CDM project was approved by the government in November 2006 and reported in the UN register in January 2007. TKG HUCHEMS is playing a leading role in reducing domestic greenhouse gas emissions.